The Lévesque-Craighead Foundation was founded in 1988 to honor the memory of the late Mr. Joseph Oscar Lévesque and the late Richard Craighead. Mr. Lévesque and Mr. Craighead have been very involved in their community both as mayors and businessmen and their Foundation ensures the continuous pursuit of their mission. The primary goal of the Foundation is to ensure the maintenance of health care offered to clientele of the CLSCs and CHSLD Bedford.
Over the years, the Foundation has acquired an array of equipment (patients lifts, electric beds, defibrillators, mattress fall arrest systems, rockers, air conditioning, etc.) to facilitate the provision of care, travel and comfort of patients. Close collaboration between the Foundation and the staff of the CLSC/CHSLD Bedford allows better response to the needs and promotes the improvement of care provided to patients.
Finally, the Board of Directors of the Foundation are taking a stand and using their voice to recognize and respect the needs of the local population of Bedford and the region served by the Ministry of Health, through the Center for Health and Social Services CIUSSS Estrie – CHUS, Installation La Pommeraie.

in 1956, Mr Craighaid became Président of F.W. Jones & Sons Ltd, a company, specialized in bee-keping equipment. Mayor from 1968 to 1971, among other projects, he worked towards the founding of HLM and to preserve provincial highway maintenance services in Bedford.

Considéré comme le père de la révolution industrielle de Bedford,
M. Lévesque a fondé la meunerie J.O.Lévesque Limitée en 1944.
Maire de 1961 à 1966, son administration fut marquée par le développement des infrastructures locales.